A Parent’s Guide to Purchasing EDC Las Vegas 2017 Tickets

Looking for a way to drop a not-so-subtle hint about what you want under your tree this year? We got you.
Tis the season, and right about now people are dropping not-so-subtle hints about what they want under the tree. If you’re trying to live that EDC Las Vegas life but need a little help with passes, it might be time to cash in those chips with the parentals.
I know what you’re thinking—this is too big an undertaking to entrust to people who don’t know their Party Thieves from their Party Favor. It’s cool, we got you. There are employees at Insomniac who are just as old as your parents and (potentially) much cooler, and we put together this article just for them. Forward them this link and we’ll take it from here…
Okay, parents. You’re up. First off, WELCOME!
Whether they’re your kids or your sister or brother’s kids or just some adventurous young person you know and want to do right by, the recipient of this gift will be forever indebted to you for being their co-signer on this amazing, life-changing journey. In my 40 years on this planet I’ve been to 16 EDCs in both Vegas and Los Angeles and I’m still blown away year after year.
For those who don’t know, THIS is the Electric Daisy Carnival. If you’ve never heard of it, take a few minutes and watch the video below:
Now watch this one:
Intense, right? It is. Eight stages of music, hundreds of DJs, dozens of carnival rides, and about 140,000 people each night for three nights at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. And yes, hundreds of trained medical personnel, EMTs, local law enforcement, and a very dedicated staff made up of people like myself—parents who want to make the environment as safe and friendly as it can possibly be for everyone, especially young adults. Give this article a once-over and you’ll start to understand the lengths Insomniac goes to to protect its patrons.
So how do you go about getting tickets? Read on…
Parental Pro-Tip: Here’s a link to their ticketing FAQ page. Might be good to keep it open in a second tab while you’re moving through the purchase process.
Step one: click here. You’ll be taken to Frontgate, the EDC Las Vegas ticket provider, where you’ll be asked what type of ticket you’d like to purchase, General Admission or VIP. If the person you’re buying for is under 21 it’s an easy choice, as VIP is reserved for our 21-and-older guests, but if you’re looking to spoil you’re looking for an extra special experience, you may want to consider splurging. Learn more about the VIP amenities here—and more will be added as we get closer to the show—but some of our favorite perks include dedicated/expedited entrances to the festival, special viewing areas at our biggest stages, chill zones and air-conditioned bathrooms, and gourmet food and beverage options. When you’re partying in the desert for three days from dusk till dawn, every little bit of comfort helps.
Now let’s talk about shuttles. If the person or people you’re purchasing for either won’t have cars in Vegas or you’d rather they not drive, you can purchase shuttle passes for them. Official EDC shuttles have exclusive and dedicated routes from Vegas to the festival venue, and are the best mass public transportation option to EDC.
Shuttles have dedicated stops at certain hotels on and around the Las Vegas Strip, so there are a few options to choose from. If you’re not sure where they might want to stay—and you don’t want to ruin the surprise—you can always pick up shuttle passes later, but there’s always a chance they may sell out.
While we’re on the topic of lodging, we also work with Las Vegas hotels to give preferred rates and packages to our EDC guests, including our first-ever EDC Week Hotel Package with Mandalay Bay. Browse hotels, check rates, and book rooms here.
Back to tickets…
Once you’ve chosen your ticket type, quantity, and (perhaps) shuttle passes, you’ll want to check out, but before you do that you’ll need to login through Facebook or create a Frontgate account. We recommend the latter, as sometimes people are so use to having devices auto-fill FB login info that it’s easy to forget, especially if you’re old like me. After you’ve entered in your personal information, Frontgate will ask if you want to pay the full amount outright or choose layaway, which gives you the option of paying just 20% of the full amount now (plus fees and delivery charge) and then 20% in January, February, and two 20% payments in March.
Once you’ve entered in your payment information and clicked purchase, you’re good to go. Remember: don’t do that thing you do where you refresh the page because things aren’t moving at light speed. Just keep your eye on the clock at the right-hand side of the page. When you refresh the page while your transaction is happening you risk losing your order. Also, there are no exchanges or upgrades. If you want to upgrade to VIP or exchange a shuttle pass, you’ll have to purchase a new pass then get the original order refunded with proof of the new purchase.
Parental Pro-Tip: Frontgate’s customer service line is (888) 512-7469. If your order was declined, it’s best to contact them directly instead of trying to re-purchase. Sometimes people who attempt to re-purchase end up getting multiple pending charges. They won’t clear, but they do show up as transactions.
CONGRATS! You’ve now made someone extremely happy. FYI, though, tickets are mailed in April, so you’ll have to get creative and put something under the tree or in the stocking. Since baby owls are expensive and moderately unruly, we’ve gone ahead and created some printable tags you can use. Grab ‘em here, and thanks for purchasing tickets to EDC Las Vegas 2017.
Featured image: aLIVE Coverage for Insomniac