Husband and wife duo, Petey and Hannah Mac (formerly Hannah Michelle Weeks), make up The Two Fake Blondes. Out today (September 10), is their brand new...
Ben Zamora and Doug Meadows AKA the Canadian duo behind Highcard, have blown the world away in their newest single “Monsters” featuring Nate Bain. “Monsters” follows...
Following last week’s unexpected news that Erick Morillo had passed away, his family has now announced that today, September 9 at 11am EST, his funeral will...
Nashville artist Super Duper has officially announced his debut LP HALLELUJAH, slated for release this fall via FADER. Ahead of the LP is “We Had Everything”...
On Nocturnalist 276 (September 7, 2020), curated by The Nocturnal Times, we present our favorite new track selections of the week. Follow the Nocturnalist on Spotify...
Springing into action for a brand-new single, Belgian artist Stereoclip has officially landed “Sunset Drive” on the esteemed Armada Music. Perfectly reflecting the picture its title...
Vancouver-based artist WHIPPED CREAM hits New Music Friday today in the newest VIP version of her track “So Thick” featuring Baby Goth. Sharing nothing short of...
Receiving support from massive artists such as Aazar, Kryder, Tony Romera and more, as well as releasing music on BROHUG’s label BROHOUSE are establishments that have...
The limelight can’t seem to escape Confession label artist Malaa, who is now dishing up a new collaboration alongside Koos titled “Hell.” Officially out now, this...
Scripting his newest piece of finely-tweaked music, Melbourne native Two Can has graced the airwaves with “Under My Skin” featuring Kyan Palmer. Leading on absolutely refreshing...
On Nocturnalist 275 (August 31, 2020), curated by The Nocturnal Times, we present our favorite new track selections of the week. Follow the Nocturnalist on Spotify...
Landing on New Music Friday today, Seanyy has revealed his brand-new single “Memories” officially out via Swerve Collective Creations. Following his previous single “Be Like That”...
Officially out today via Tipsy Records, Cologne City-based artist TONIIA is sliding into New Music Friday with his brand-new single “Psychic” featuring Geena Fontanella. The track...
Pre-sale tickets go on sale today, August 27th, at 10am PT for Gareth Emery’s 2020 comeback showdown. This past Monday, Gareth delighted fans in announcing two...
SIHK has captured the pure adrenaline and energy that exists within the music and gaming spheres, and has now arrived with a track that reflects it...