World renowned music, travel, art and culture series Gates Of Agartha is heading deep into the Mexican jungle where ancient Mayan civilization once thrived. The acclaim...
The festival season will start earlier than ever in 2025 as world-renowned drum and bass brand Hospitality launches a brand new indoor venture, Hospitality Weekender, which...
The British-German DJ duo, Matt James and Frank Sanders, better known as M-22, are no strangers to delivering hit after hit. For their newest weapon M-22...
Emo Tech DJ and producer duo Mathame unveil NEO World, a multi-stop, tour that will introduce their most groundbreaking concept to date – NEO – to...
Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) has completed its festival program for ADE 2024 with over 1,000 events in more than 200 venues over five days and nights....
It’s been a few since the alchemic grouping of Space & Sherry released “Let It Come” into the trance space. Now, Mark, Ricky & Steve are...
Just over 2 weeks before Amsterdam Dance Event kicks off the 2024 edition! While Tomorrowland is celebrating 20 years of magical moments this year, the iconic...
Germany’s largest Electronic Music Festival will celebrate its 10th anniversary from July 18th to 20th, 10 years of PAROOKAVILLE, 10 years of the City of Dreams,...
German dubstep leader Virtual Riot today sensationally returns to Monstercat Uncaged with “Believe What You Want,” a breathtaking yet hard-hitting record that marks the second single...
Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) announces top-tier artists to its Conference programme, including Amelie Lens & Charlotte de Witte, Marlon Hoffstadt, Reinier Zonneveld, Kölsch, and more. In...
A love for SUBwoofers and elecTRONICS has brought us Subtronics aka Jesse and Sonya Kardon. Over the last decade, Subtronics has honed his skills to create...
LA-bred producer/vocalist/DJ Nala has spent the last decade cultivating her signature style of Riot Grrrl-inspired electronic music – a mixture of punk and club aesthetics that...
On Thursday October 10, Tomorrowland Brasil will host Senna Driven, Album Showcase at The Gathering, the festival’s official opening party at the campsite DreamVille in Itu,...
With the millennium on the then horizon, October the 10th 1999 saw DJ Tiësto’s first In Search Of Sunrise touch down into a glowing comp climate....
Defected faithful Sam Divine returns to the London label alongside Grammy award-winning artist Dave Giles II for “Fast Lane”. A constant in Defected’s history for over...