Renowned for his groundbreaking concepts, Eric Prydz returns to Hï Ibiza this summer with a mind-blowing experience unlike any other. After mesmerizing audiences worldwide with his...
We all have seen those rows of glowing rectangles instead of dancing people. Now one production company is waging war on smartphones in an unlikely battleground:...
The renowned One World Radio, Tomorrowland’s official radio station, is celebrating International Women’s Day with some big artists this Friday March 8. Listeners will be able...
Mysteryland is the longest running dance festival in the world and is preparing for its 29th edition. As in previous years, festival goers can once again...
Globally acclaimed D&B DJ-producer Netsky has continued to push boundaries in electronic music with his unparalleled catalogue of hits. Dillon Francis has been making waves in...
Bedouin is an American-based music production and DJ partnership consisting of Tamer Malki and Rami Abousabe. Together they share a broad sonic vision that pulls from...
Danish star HEDEGAARD has quickly become a household name for his unique and heavy-hitting style known as “car music,” and his newest release “Hood To The...
In 2020 the talented collective called Elysian (Emma Hewitt, Maor Levi & Ilan Bluestone) saw the light of day. With “Light Years” the Elysian trio got...
While everyone is preparing for an unforgettable festival summer. Germany’s biggest and most spectacular festival, PAROOKAVILLE, is running full steam ahead for their 2024 edition. The...
From August 16th to 17th, 2024, the San Hejmo Festival (Germany) invites its visitors for the third time for an unforgettable weekend with live music, urban...
Nifra has in a vast couple of years gone from being a local talent in central Europe to one of the most popular figures in the...
Enigmatic DJ and producer Claptone and iconic nightspot Amnesia announce the homecoming of one of Ibiza’s most celebrated and unique events, “The Masquerade” bringing more magic...
While TVLI is a relative electronic music tenderfoot, he’s a man with eclectic history in the broader area, stretching back to his 5yo, piano experimenting origins....
Few artists have had such a meteoric rise followed by an extreme evolution of sound and style as Porter Robinson. The American producer continues to amaze...
4Rain, also known as Stephan Tavares, is a highly successful DJ and electronic music producer who has earned a seat among the giants of the industry....