The world renowned Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival returns to Manchester, Tennessee on June 7-10 for its seventeenth installment in 2018. The lineup includes over 150...
Heads up – it’s time again to announce the dates of this year’s Amsterdam Dance Event. Just barely into the new year, you can already lock...
Insomniac’s fanciful brand Beyond Wonderland returns to San Bernardino’s NOS Events Center for its 8th year in 2018. The two day spectacle will be held on...
The Governors Ball Music Festival has just released its 2018 festival lineup as it returns to NYC for three days of music, art and food on...
Anticipation always surrounds the annual announcement of the Coachella lineup – and this year is certainly no exception to the rule. Just two days into the...
The wait is over! After much anticipation, the lineup for Ultra Music Festival 2018 Miami has been revealed. The world’s premier electronic music festival will return...
Soho Studios in Miami is set to host world-renowned DJ/producers Adam Beyer and Cirez D for their sold out performance in March during Miami Music Week...
Insomniac’s big reveal for EDC Week took a huge leap forward, extending to an entire week-long celebration this year. With brand new dates, it will span...
After performing at several different venues prior to their tour’s debut appearance in New York, Tchami and Malaa delivered a new kind of energy at their...
It keeps getting better as BUKU Music & Art Project just landed with their 2018 phase 2 lineup additions. The two-day festivities will carry on March...
Miami’s 2017 Art Basel festivities are underway, and have brought none other than dance music pioneer Armin van Buuren to pump up the volume. Stealing a...
Electric Forest 2018 is bringing two weekends of experiences to Rothbury, Michigan in June and July. This week, Electric Forest revealed the lineups for weekend one...
International DJ/producer Gareth Emery successfully and perfectly executed his innovative Laserface concept at New York City’s Terminal 5 this weekend. The sold out show was the...
The Nocturnal Times has partnered with Insomniac to offer a pair of tickets to Dreamstate USA this weekend in Southern California. Dreamstate 2017 takes place on...
French electronic dance music producers Tchami and Malaa, two of the most highly-praised DJs under the Confession record label, announced their No Redemption U.S. tour a few months ago...