Multi-platinum Australian duo, the Stafford Brothers, have just released their latest high-energy anthem, “Weekend,” through Purple Fly Records. Known for their adrenaline-charged performances and global tour...
Kel Adore, the rising star in the electro-pop scene, returns with her latest single, “Shut It Down,” a pop-dance track that blends tropical vibes with a...
The electronic music scene is buzzing with excitement as veteran DJ and producer Kelly Reverb joins forces with Chad LeMans for a dynamic two-track release. The...
Veteran Dutch DJ/producer-duo Showtek unveils their massive new album 360 Blue, which continues their “360” concept, started in late 2023, and sees the duo returning to...
Adam Griffin is no stranger to the music industry. With a career spanning 25 years, he’s done it all, from promoting at prolific London’ clubs (Hanover...
Robert Haagsma is Netherlands’ largest vinyl connoisseur. He shared several moments with all the great artists of the world and has a record collection that a...
There are very few clubs in the world that have made an everlasting impact on the global EDM scene as the legendary club Bootshaus. Throughout past...
Gaming music legend and independent artist, TheFatRat, popularly known for his immense online following of over ten million fans, kicks off 2024 strong with the release of...
The Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) is without a doubt one of the biggest gathering of artists, music lovers, industry professionals and everything else that is remotely...
The month October sees many memorable events happening. One of the most exciting ones for bass lovers was the Blacklist Festival 2023 in Oberhausen (Germany) on...
Breakout electronic acts Jakk’d and $on-$hine have joined forces for the release of their latest collaboration, “Luven Me.” Encapsulating elements of past, present, and future house...
Composed of members Steve Shimchick, Jeff Petescia, and Brian Curry, Cold Weather Company began as a serendipitous park bench meeting at Rutgers University — later transforming...