Ben Zamora and Doug Meadows AKA the Canadian duo behind Highcard, have blown the world away in their newest single “Monsters” featuring Nate Bain. “Monsters” follows...
HALIENE has appeared on some of dance music’s biggest tracks such as Gareth Emery’s “Saving Light” and Seven Lion’s “Rush Over Me,” however, with her new...
Coming off hot from a continuous spree of releases, Australian-Japanese sibling duo, Lastlings, have commissioned British producer, Will Easton, to put forth a refreshing club remix...
Back at it with his fourth release of the summer, DJ/producer Shogun strikes again with a powerful big-room trance record “Into The Night.” This time around, Shogun...
For those exposed to the magnificent world of all that is tyDi, it’s no secret that he runs at the forefront of everything that defines beautiful...
Morgan Page wraps up his latest single, “Our Song” with an exclusive 60 minute mix streaming on all Armada Music portals now. The mix features his...
Springing into action for a brand-new single, Belgian artist Stereoclip has officially landed “Sunset Drive” on the esteemed Armada Music. Perfectly reflecting the picture its title...
Flourishing singer-songwriter, Gia Koka, has been absolutely crushing it throughout the first half of the year with appearances on top dance hits such as, “2 Hearts”...
Vancouver-based artist WHIPPED CREAM hits New Music Friday today in the newest VIP version of her track “So Thick” featuring Baby Goth. Sharing nothing short of...
Multi-talented DJ and producer Snyder has just concluded a massive spree of single releases with “Fire” alongside 24hrs. This time, Snyder teamed up with notable hip-hop...
Receiving support from massive artists such as Aazar, Kryder, Tony Romera and more, as well as releasing music on BROHUG’s label BROHOUSE are establishments that have...
The limelight can’t seem to escape Confession label artist Malaa, who is now dishing up a new collaboration alongside Koos titled “Hell.” Officially out now, this...
Scripting his newest piece of finely-tweaked music, Melbourne native Two Can has graced the airwaves with “Under My Skin” featuring Kyan Palmer. Leading on absolutely refreshing...
Brooklyn-based Imanos AKA James Somani, has come in hot with new dance track “Like Loving You” out now on independent dance label, Deux Trois. The rising...
Everyone has heard “Titanium,” “Flames,” “She Wolf” or “Bang My Head” by David Guetta and Sia at one point in their lives. These tracks have gathered...