Industry heavyweights and renowned house music duo Walker & Royce have continuously changed the scene over the years with their unique style of production and top-tier...
Shortly after the release of Afrojack‘s rendition of Nicky Romero, MARF and Wulf‘s “Okay,” the Protocol Recordings‘ boss releases the complete three-track remix package of his...
Emerging artist, Casper Sun, is excited to recently present his highly-anticipated debut LP, Sunshine Radio. The album is a slice of summer with endless playback potential,...
With summer in full swing, some insane releases have come alongside it. For an epic three-producer collaboration, MAKJ teamed up with fellow DJ and producer MADDS...
As many faceless artists have stepped forward these last couple of years, only a handful have risen to the top. One of the most intriguing ones...
Ready to bring the energy to clubs across the world, Surf Mesa is gearing up for a highly anticipated line up of show performances. To warm...
When the amazing producers Bougenvilla team up with the talented Mairee you know you can expect something great. In the past, they have given us some...
Swedish DJ/Producer duo, Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman, have recently dropped an energetic remix of Serhat Durmus’ hit single, “My Feelings.” While the original is already a...
On Nocturnalist 307 (April 12, 2021), curated by The Nocturnal Times, we present our favorite new track selections of the week. Follow the weekly Nocturnalist playlist...
Tryptamine is revealing their newest musical offering. This time the release is taking shape as their fresh 5-track Jaguar Priest EP. Opening track “Balam” immediately draws...
A brand-new killer label has hit the ground running in electronic music. Built together by former Flashover Recordings mainstay Celwin Frenzen, EDCT is a visionary new...
Nashville artist Super Duper has officially announced his debut LP HALLELUJAH, slated for release this fall via FADER. Ahead of the LP is “We Had Everything”...
DROELOE has made an exciting return with long-awaited single “Open Blinds” out now on bitbird. After the success of “I CAN’T WAIT” earlier this summer, the...
Since his music career initially kicked-off, trap music guru Gl0bal has been making a name for himself with his many infectious releases over time. In just...
Washington, D.C. native H3nry Thr!ll is certainly one to watch in 2020. At the young age of 17, Henry has quickly gained support from some of...