Global electronic superstar, Kygo, has just released his latest single, “Freeze” through the renowned label, RCA Records. The track opens with a singular piano melody and...
Today marks the final day of Coachella 2022s weekend 2 — and it’s time for the iconic event to go out with a bang. With weekend...
Weekend 1 of Coachella 2022 is in the books — and it’s time for the iconic event to make its return to the Empire Polo Club...
Weekend 1 of Coachella 2022 is in the books — and it’s time for the iconic event to make its return to the Empire Polo Club...
Weekend 1 of Coachella 2022 is in the books — and it’s time for the iconic event to make its return to the Empire Polo Club...
Coachella 2022 has been satisfying many as it returned home to Indio, California’s Empire Polo Club after celebrating 20 years in the desert. Following two incredible...
Following its grand return to the desert yesterday, Coachella 2022 is in full swing at its home at the Empire Polo Club. For the first time...
The moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived! Coachella 2022 returns to its home in the desert at the Empire Polo Club for the first...
This weekend is the grand return of Coachella to the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California. Can’t be there in the desert this weekend? No worries,...
The bicoastal threesome badxyou best known for combining pop music and internet culture into a giant sonic punch in the face. You might know badxyou has...
It’s been a wild weekend so far at Ultra Music Festival 2022, following the first two days of madness. UMF made its grand return to its...
Following a massive first day in its return home to Bayfront Park, Ultra Music Festival 2022 takes place this weekend, March 25-27. Tune in live all...
The moment electronic dance music (EDM) lovers have been waiting for has finally arrived! Ultra Music Festival makes a highly-anticipated — and long overdue — return...
Ultra Music Festival makes a highly-anticipated (and long overdue) return to its home at Bayfront Park in Miami from March 25-27, 2022. Can’t be there to...
The renowned electronic music festival, Electric Daisy Carnival, has numerously proved to be one of the best festivals for electronic music fanatics over the course of...