Music Releases
Lavier Drops “END ALL BE ALL // FUCK OFF” w/ Limited Edition Physical Tapes

Kicking off a brand new calendar year doing what he does best, Lavier presents his first offering of 2024 in “END ALL BE ALL // FUCK OFF.” In addition to being available for streaming on all DSPs, the pair of tracks will also be available for purchase on Bandcamp in the form of a one-time only, limited edition cassette tape of which only 50 will be sold.

“These are two of the most ignorant tracks in my catalog, both of which were written from a very “for the dancefloor” approach rather than from a particularly emotional place. I tend to be surgical and reserved in my production, so I tried to change things up and resist the fear of going “too hard” on these tracks and just really let the intensity shine through. From the track titles down to the sludgy nature of the songs, this is a “gun fingers in the air, no fucks given” type of project that I hope will serve as a nice uptick in energy to kick off this year’s Lavier releases.”- Lavier
Refreshingly to the point and made with a singular purpose, “END ALL BE ALL // FUCK OFF” are brutally effective at their intended purpose, serving as a statement of intent from Lavier and becoming an effective weapon in his arsenal of dancefloor destroyers over the past year. At times, music production doesn’t have to be so deep and profound and Lavier manages to convey that message and energy in his newest set of releases while simultaneously maintaining the quality of production that he’s quickly become known for. Head to Bandcamp to purchase one of fifty limited edition cassette tapes for Lavier’s new release here: LINK. “END ALL BE ALL // FUCK OFF” is out now on all streaming platforms.