Music Releases
Maor Levi, Ilan Bluestone & Emma Hewitt’s Elysian Drop “Light Years”

In 2020 the talented collective called Elysian (Emma Hewitt, Maor Levi & Ilan Bluestone) saw the light of day. Now this stellar trio is back with a new sonic offering called “Light years.” Keen listeners and fan could have made contact with “Light Years”. Ilan snuck it aboard his In Search of Sunrise 19 disc back in December. That, along with Emma’s Black Hole-released Ghost Of The Light album last year, has trailblazed a new Elysian singles run.
Through jacked beats and cyberish FX, at its outset, “Light Years” rocks down some darker corridors. Emma’s song however quickly identifies beauty lying in its depths. As its synth rays rise, Ilan and Maor’s riff lifts the feel, as Emma ponders the eternal question “is anybody out there?” “Light Years” is out now on all streaming platforms.