Music Releases
SAN PACHO Releases House EP ‘Mandala’

Born and raised in Croatia, SAN PACHO is a young, hungry house artist who keeps making the right moves at the right time. As we have anxiously been waiting for a follow up on his solo original releases, “Hold Me,” “The Pressure,” as well as his collaboration with Matroda, “La Pasion,” SAN PACHO now unveils a 3-track EP he’s calling, Mandala EP. The title of the EP itself hints at Pacho’s belief that there’s an intrinsic spiritual aspect that can be connected to house music, a meaningful essence he vigorously equips into his own releases too.
Mandala EP consists of 3 singles, “The Pressure,” “Set Me Free,” and “What Ya,” each of which bringing a different mood to the table, but all connected by a 128 BPM flavor and distinctive touches that can only be attributed to SAN PACHO’s unique talents.
“When I was creating this EP, I really wanted to implement some of the inspirations from my daily life into it. I named it Mandala EP because I got a mandala inspired tattoo when I was first starting to take music seriously and it gave me the drive to keep on grinding and making a name for myself. Each track in the EP represents some of my musical styles, “The Pressure” is a bit of a darker tune with a bumping bassline and advanced sound design. “Set Me Free” dives into the classical house side of me but still contains the same elements that make it a San Pacho track. The closer “Spicy Mama” is a fun tech house tune with trippy topliners over a catchy disco vocal, I really had fun doing it because the vocal just sits so well in the track and the synths are all just my usual BS :)” – SAN PACHO
“The Pressure” kicks off the EP beautifully, striking an eclectic balance between old school and new school house. The soul of the song comes through with a classic vocal sample acting as a main staple of the experience. “Just lift the pressure,” belts out, stirring up emotions while house percussion sets the tone and enhances the vibe. The title of the song itself highlights the ‘tension and release,’ pattern that house music is innately platformed on, it only being natural that the track itself carries this flow. “The Pressure,” hits a sweet groove, it’s progression builds up intensity and it leads to an epic moment to been enjoyed.
Unleashing a storm of house that ascends the listener to the peak of the EP, “Set Me Free,” compounds the momentum that “The Pressure” established. Featuring a familiar vocal timbre heard earlier, the glue that connects Mandala becomes more pronounced. “Set Me Free,” showcases an uptick in rhythm, technicality, and anima, the metaphysical components of this collection of tracks coming out to play. The potency of “What Ya,” falls somewhere above “The Pressure,” but below, “Set Me Free.” The journey afoot takes a slightly more minimal and experimental turn while letting the instrumentation and minute details work their way into one’s consciousness. Once again featuring the spoken feminine declaration heard throughout the EP, the track is an excellent closer to the feelings and expressions meant to be put there.