Hailing from Halifax Canada, Cloverdale has garnered a worldwide reputation for his high-octane tech house sound, blending a pristine amount of sound design, crisp production, and...
Side project of veteran producers, Felix Cartal and Johnny Jover, Glass Petals is sticking true to their moto of “club music only” by releasing a new...
Detroit house music mainstay Golf Clap kicks off the summer on a high-note with his grand debut on deadmau5’s influential hau5trap imprint. The label is thrilled...
Since its strong start, deadmau5’s house label hau5trap has been rising to the top. The label is already home to major singles by popular artists, Tommy...
Mau5trap mainstay Jay Robinson is back on his game, this time making his grand debut on deadmau5’s brand new hau5trap label. After being on deadmau5 fans’...
The esteemed label spearheaded by deadmau5, mau5trap, has been at the forefront of the scene for quite some time. Having discovered a handful of prominent artists...