To celebrate their new single “Desire,” Bob Moses and ZHU have partnered with CTRL5 to create a one-of-a-kind interactive animated video directed by Owen Brown (behind...
Following an exclusive premiere on The FADER today (Wednesday, December 4), NISHA reveals her brand new music video for her wildly successful single “Figures.” The official...
Norwegian-born, Kygo, and British international pop-star, Rita Ora, have teamed up to release new single and video “Carry On” via Palm Tree Records / RCA Records....
Multi-faceted South African duo GoldFish has just revealed a beautiful acoustic video for their latest single “It Was You” with Zeeba. The original was released through...
Following its release on Friday, January 11, Gesaffelstein calls upon The Weeknd for his newest original, “Lost In The Fire.” Garnering more than 2.1 million views...
Renegades Axwell /\ Ingrosso released their new ‘More Than You Know” short film, which is soundtracked by their new EP of the same name, available now...
Calvin Harris “Feels” featuring Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, and Big Sean, is out now through Sony Music Entertainment. The official music video for “Feels,” the...
Armin van Buuren returns with his latest music video for “Freefall;” taking the definition quite literally What does it mean to free fall? Just ask...
The official music video for The Chainsmokers “Don’t Let Me Down” featuring Daya is revealed After topping the charts with hit upon hit, including their...