Global dance sensation Slushii launches into his most ambitious year yet with “Money”, a groundbreaking collaboration with K-Pop sensation HYO (Girls’ Generation) that signals the producer’s...
Back in October of 2023, Slushii and SPIRIT LINK released their track “I Tried It” to the delight of their fans, setting the groundwork for further...
2024 has been a busy year so far for Slushii. The launch of his SONICDream imprint fulfilled a lifelong dream, marking a new era of sorts...
The wider emergence of the sapientdream project signifies an exciting new era for Slushii, buoyed by a newfound freedom and return to roots of sorts as...
Following the viral success of “past lives” via his sapientdream alias, Slushii is back with new music and exciting news. A collaboration with upcoming producer SPIRIT...
“A Slushii Summer” continues with this week’s single, a collaboration between Slushii and Pauline Herr entitled “Pick Yourself Up.” Slushii who recently has been signed to...
Acclaimed producer/DJ Slushii has signed with Steve Aoki’s Dim Mak Records and is now part of their roster. And what better time than the present for...
Fortnite is back with additional installments of their virtual concert and performance series, this time, they’ve called upon electronic powerhouse Slushii to take the stage this...
On Wednesday March 27th, Dim Mak Miami went down at Mana Wynwood with an unreal amount of surprise appearances. With a decade of hosting events, Dim...
Switching gears from his kaleidoscopic DREAM album in 2018, Slushii is illustrating fresh energy in his new collaboration single “Never Let You Go” with Faustix and...
With only a few weeks left before Miami Music Week, Dim Mak has announced a stacked lineup for the returning event, Dim Mak Miami. On Wednesday,...
Marshmello fans can finally rest at ease as our favorite celeb has finally unleashed his highly-anticipated album sequel, Joytime II. The follow up to 2016’s Joytime,...
Since stepping onto the scene, DJ/Producer Jauz has been moving electronic fans non-stop with his powerful and rhythmic beats, bass, melodies, and soul. Within a few...
Slushii released his latest single “LUV U NEED U,” which gives us a sneak peek into the upcoming Monstercat x Rocket League collaboration album. If...
Miami Music Week 2017 was given a proper closing party as the Monstercat Uncaged label showcase brought some of the biggest names in electronic music to...