Electric Zoo Radio returns to SiriusXM ahead of this year’s EZoo: Wild Island installment This year marks the eighth consecutive installment in the Electric Zoo...
Summer Set Music Festival is returning to the beautiful Somerset, Wisconsin, to celebrate its 5-year anniversary from August 12th-14th The first wave of artists has...
Dim Mak Records is celebrating their 20th anniversary this year—and what better way to commemorate than with a 17-hour event. Taking over Nikki Beach Miami on...
Each year, DJ Times magazine and Pioneer DJ hold their annual poll competition for America’s Best DJ. The winner of America’s Best DJ 2015 is Steve...
This year’s lineup for Something Wicked boasts major headlining acts along with a slew of electronic dance music (EDM) heavyweights. On October 24 & October 25,...
Dim Mak’s Up All Night stage is making its triumphant return to the annual Tomorrowland in Belgium. Following the recent successes of TomorrowWorld and Tomorrowland Brazil,...
Seeing its release on Ultra Music, Steve Aoki’s “Neon Future” just got even brighter with a new remix package. The “Neon Future” remix EP is equipped...
Dim Mak has announced the phase 1 lineup for their annual Miami Music Week event and it includes some of the labels heavy hitters. Dim Mak...