VIZE, the German chart-topping maestro of deep basslines, dynamic melodies and dance-pop radio hits, joins forces with renowned Italian duo Marnik, known for their electrifying big-room...
In the recent past, both VIZE and R3HAB have been able to celebrate great successes. The fact that these two heavyweights of the dance scene have...
Just in time for the holiday season, AVAION has just released his new single “Pieces,” with VIZE and Leony, gifting fans with a new version of...
Those interested in a behind the scene look of the music industry have the opportunity to do so at the 13th of November at BPM Heroes....
Out now via Universal Music, German duo VIZE has teamed up with DJ/Producer Felix Jaehn to unleash their newest form of musical innovation in “Thank You...
Felix Jaehn has been an unstoppable force throughout 2019, with a multitude of high profile releases across the year. Following his singles, “Love On Myself’ and...