The Nocturnal Times Exclusive Interview: Thomas Gold

Thomas Gold sat down with The Nocturnal Times on Thursday, March 17th during Miami Music Week
For almost twenty years Thomas Gold has been playing a pivotal role in the electronic community.
With no signs of slowing down anytime soon, Thomas Gold has started 2016 off with a bang. Embarking on his very own On Fire Tour and releasing a single of the same name, during our chat with the talented DJ/producer, he also revealed plans to release an album later this year.
The Fanfare phenomenon has been entertaining crowds for years, which is why his involvement during this year’s Miami Music Week should come as no surprise. During a one-on-one sit down with Thomas Gold, we touched on the essence of the annual festivities, the events he planned on partaking this year, his dance music history, and more.
The Nocturnal Times: How and when did you first begin your exploration of dance music?
THOMAS GOLD: When I was fifteen I started listening to house music. I loved the sound of the music at that time and I loved dancing. I decided I wanted to make my own music. I started playing keyboards when I was seven and then when I was sixteen I got my first synthesizer. I started making my own music and later on I would DJ at my friend’s parties. About two years later I got my first job at a local venue. They actually fired me after my first night because it was so bad. So then I went home and practiced. I learned how to read the crowd, how to react to them and how to make them dance. A year later I started working at a club and I became a resident there for five years. After that I got more jobs and just kept going.
You’ve produced a great deal of remixes; can you recall one of the earliest that stands out to you?
THOMAS GOLD: The first significant one for me was “Blow Up” – Hard Rock Sofa & St. Brothers” (Thomas Gold vs. Axwell Remix) on Axtone records. Working with Axwell was great and that was a milestone for me.
You just released your new track “On Fire,” a collaboration with Rico & Miella, how did that song come together and why did you deicide to name your tour, On Fire?
THOMAS GOLD: I had heard other work by Rico & Miella and I loved it. I approached them to do a track and they had this rough version of some vocals. They sent it to me and we started working on it, changing the vocal and adjusting some stuff. Then I added some production to it and it went back to them. We worked together and then we did a club mix. We also did a radio version, which is very different and not like dance music. It’s a real pop track. I met up with them in New York and decided that I wanted to do something different. I wanted to tour the US and I said, let’s name the tour “On Fire.” It’s great to see people’s reaction to the track. It’s a little bit softer than what I’ve done before.
We’re here again at Miami Music Week. What makes MMW stand out most for you? What makes it so special?
THOMAS GOLD: There’s no other place like it. The location, the water, the vibes, all of the craziness during the week, people traveling from all over the world for the festival, all of the DJs, everything makes it special. It’s also a reflection of what’s going on in music. As a German, it’s a nice vacation because at home it’s winter.
What can you share about your Fanfare radio show? Do you have anything special planned for the 200th episode?
THOMAS GOLD: In four more weeks we will have the 200th show. We have been talking about a few things, but I don’t have any set plans yet. I’m just happy to hit the 200 mark. It’s been more than four years already, it’s great.
Besides dance music, what other styles of music or artists do you enjoy listening to?
THOMAS GOLD: I really love underground stuff, but then I also love Disclosure, The Weeknd, and slower music.
Can you share anything with us about your upcoming album?
THOMAS GOLD: I’m finally working on an album [laughs]. It should be out by the end of this year. I already have a lot of tracks confirmed for the album. For three weeks in January I spent time writing. Every day I was doing studio sessions and writing sessions. I’ve been writing a lot so I’m really excited. It’s not going to be an EDM album at all, it’s going to be song driven. I think all of the tracks are based on different sounds and I want to show everyone what else I can do. For example one track is at 95 BPM, another is at 105 BPM, there’s one at 115 BPM. I’m using a lot of real instruments, what I have right now sounds really organic. I just want to do what I really love and produce music without thinking about if it’s good for the club.
Where do you see Thomas Gold five years from now?
THOMAS GOLD: I hope to be a part of the scene. I hope to be DJing and traveling the world. I’m a passionate producer so I hope I can do that for the rest of my life, as long as I can hit the keys!
For more information on Thomas Gold, visit Thomas-Gold.com.
Thomas Gold is on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Featured photo credit: Natascha Romboy