Get Rewards For Sustainable Practices at Electric Forest

Electric Forest, the pioneer in wholesome festivals, will be giving away rewards to those involved in this year’s sustainable efforts
If you’re already thinking of how to make those travels in both a cost efficient, and eco-friendly manner, take Electric Forest and Sharethebus up on its Official Shuttle service. Giving you six different destination points to take the Electric Forest shuttle, you can cut costs, meet new friends, and get dibs on the Tent Only Campground located a short distance from the festival entrance. With stops in Chicago, Detroit, and Grand Rapids Airport it makes for an easy decision for any attendees flying in. If you don’t feel like driving from the Northeast there is also a stop in New York City for anyone trying to avoid the 13 hour trek.
Show up with your closest festi-buddy and save some money on this year’s Parking Passes. A good idea to grab a friend and split the cost of the car ride, Electric Forest takes it a step further in saving you money. 2016 there will be a GA Parking Pass for Single Occupants only. Any vehicles with multiple passengers will not have to pay the $70 parking pass, in an effort to reward those interested in traveling a greener way. The proceeds will go to festival improvements in the future.
For those who show up with three or more friends in a single vehicle there are special added perks. Prizes such as entries into a chance for Life Long Electric Forest tickets, Good Life tickets, and limited edition bumper stickers will be available for larger carpools. Similar prizes are offered to all Official Shuttle purchasers as well. Electric Forest even includes anyone showing up via bicycle all these same bonuses and a spot in Tent Only Camping.
While in the campgrounds, be on the lookout for various hubs in camping areas recognized as the Electricology EcoZones. Staff will be stationed there to give you trash bags, and collect recyclables throughout the entirety of the festival. For your efforts you will be rewarded with EcoPoints that will be redeemable at Electricology Stores. Here you’ll be offered exclusive prizes such as signed artist posters, festival perks, and even a lifetime pass to Electric Forest. All these can be done simply by separating your recyclables and bagging up your garbage. A double incentive for anyone interested in helping keep the Forest clean.
You have four different modes of transportation in which you can get a chance for free tickets at Electric Forest. With minimal effort you can be entered into drawings for rare content and help the environment which brings us to the majestic Electric Forest .
View their site here for additional details regarding their various sustainable initiatives HERE.